With the recent recession (and the last remaining effects of it), it seems that many more people were drinking up simply because they were feeling down. After observing the industry for the past one and a half years, I see a potential to make a decent living from being a bartender, and that knowledge alone constantly sparks ideas in my mind. It says, "I should break off and go solo!" The only problem I find with charging a ridiculously high rate and doing house parties on my own is there is an additional risk geared towards my safety. Working for a company guarantees my safety in a major way. I work with the same staff and security so I feel comfortable working and no one can ever get especially close to me, but that comfort can go to hell if I start "freelancing" as some like to call it. Plus there is that question of travelling. Some tell me it would be difficult to find clientelle, but seeing as how I am currently booked 3-6 nights a week, that doesn't particularly concern me.
Good idea? Bad idea? How much would you charge for a night? I really don't know..
yes yes do it! you would be good at it too :) maybe you can branch out with food too!